The seventh and also last volume of the documentation has been published in spring 2009:
Webpage of publisher
Zuvor sind bereits erschienen:
Volume 6: MfS-Straftaten
Volume 5: Rechtsbeugung
- Sub-volume 1
- Sub-volume 2
Volume 4: Spionage
- Sub-volume 1
- Sub-volume 2
Volume 3: Amtsmissbrauch und Korruption
Volume 2: Gewalttaten an der deutsch-deutschen Grenze
- Sub-volume 1
- Sub-volume 2
Volume 1: Wahlfälschung
Further information can be found on the homepage of the project "Criminal Justice and the GDR past".
Moreover, the second edition of the book 'Die strafrechtliche Aufarbeitung von DDR-Unrecht' by Prof. Dr. Klaus Marxen, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Werle und Prof. Dr. Moritz Vormbaum has recently been published by De Gruyter in 2020. Information on the authors and substantial updates can be found here.