International Criminal Justice Series

Jointly with Prof. Dr. Moritz Vormbaum, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Werle edits the "International Criminal Justice Series" published by T.M.C. Asser Press/Springer.
The series aims to create a platform for publications in the whole field of international criminal justice. It therefore deals with issues relating, among others, to:
- current developments in international criminal justice;
- the work of international and regional criminal courts and tribunals;
- transitional justice approaches in different countries;
- the history of international criminal law.
The series is peer-reviewed and seeks to publish high-quality works emanating from excellent scholars.
Vol. 29: Reproductive Violence and International Criminal Law (2021)
Altunjan, Tanja
Vol. 28: Legality Matters, Crimes Against Humanity and the Problems and Promise of the Prohibition on Other Inhumane Acts (2021)
MacNeil, Gillian
Vol. 27: Human Trafficking Under International and Tanzanian Law (2021)
Filbert Kahimba, Nicksoni
Vol. 26: Histories Written by International Criminal Courts and Tribunals (2021)
Zammit Borda, Aldo
Vol. 25: Transitional Justice in Ghana (2020)
Yankson-Mensah, Marian
Vol. 24: Transitional Justice and Socio-Economic Rights in Zimbabwe (2019)
Maguchu, Prosper
Vol. 23: The International Criminal Court in Turbulent Times (2019)
Werle, Gerhard/Zimmermann, Andreas (Hrsg.)
Vol. 22: Humanness as a Protected Legal Interest of Crimes Against Humanity (2019)
Atadjanov, Rustam
Vol. 21: Palestine and the International Criminal Court (2019)
Hussein Adem, Seada
Vol. 20: Beyond Genocide: Transitional Justice and Gacaca Courts in Rwanda The Search for Truth, Justice and Reconciliation (2018)
Sullo, Pietro
Vol. 19: Memory and Punishment: Historical Denialism, Free Speech and the Limits of Criminal Law (2018)
Fronza, Emanuela
Vol. 18: Prosecution of Politicide in Ethiopia: The Red Terror Trials (2018)
Tessema, Marshet Tadesse
Vol. 17: The 'Contextual Elements' of the Crime of Genocide (2018)
Koursami, Nasour
Vol. 16: Judicial Responses to Pre-trial Procedural Violations in International Criminal Proceedings (2018)
Pitcher, K.M.
Vol. 15: Defining International Terrorism (2017)
Margariti, Stella
Vol. 14: Child Soldiers as Agents of War and Peace (2017)
Steinl, Leonie
Vol. 13: The ICC at the Mercy of Powerful States (2017)
Schuerch, Res
Vol. 12: Anti-money Laundering Law: Socio-legal Perspectives on the Effectiveness of German Practices (2017)
Zoppei, Verena
Vol. 11: Victim Participation in International Criminal Justice (2017)
Tibori-Szabó/Kinga, Hirst, Megan (Hrsg.)
Vol. 10: The African Criminal Court - A Commentary on the Malabo Protocol (2016)
Werle, Gerhard/Vormbaum, Moritz (Hrsg.)
Vol. 9: Translating guilt: A Comparative Theory of Leadership Liability for Mass Atrocity Crimes (2017)
Steer, Cassandra
Vol. 8: Avoiding a Full Criminal Trial: Fair Trial Rights, Diversions, and Shortcuts in Dutch and International Criminal Proceedings (2016)
Vriend, Koen
Vol. 7: A Collective Theory of Genocidal Intent (2016)
Kim, Sangkul
Vol. 6: The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia: Assessing Their Contribution to International Criminal Law (2016)
Meisenberg, Simon M./Stegmiller, Ignaz (Hrsg.)
Eine Rezension zum Band ist von Benz/ Römer/ Eckstein in ZIS 12/2016, 876 ff. erschienen.
Vol. 5: International Criminal Tribunals and Human Rights Law (2016)
Zeegers, Krit
Vol. 4: Illicitly Obtained Evidence at the International Criminal Court (2016)
Viebig, Petra
Vol. 3: Universal Jurisdiction: The Sierra Leone Profile (2015)
Bankole Thompson, Rosolu John
Vol. 2: The Post Election Violence in Kenia: Domestic and International Legal Responses (2015)
Materu, Sosteness Francis
Vol. 1: Africa and the International Criminal Court (2014)
Werle, Gerhard/Fernandez, Lovell/Vormbaum, Moritz (Hrsg.)
Eine Rezension zum Band ist von Bartlomiej Krzan im German Yearbook of International Law 2015, 554 ff. erschienen.
Letzte Aktualisierung dieser Seite: 18.12.2018
© 2025 Prof. Dr. Gerhard Werle

Lehrstuhl für deutsches und internationales Strafrecht, Strafprozessrecht und Juristische Zeitgeschichte



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